I want to share some projects that I wholeheartedly intend on working on this coming week. Choosing which one to do first will be my problem. Here they are in there just like I bought them. They were posted on my Facebook for ideas so I am going with the popular vote and what I like.
The red on the sled will be left along. The wood will be getting spruced up. This one is easy peasy, right?
This beauty was something I just had to have. It is finished with the 1980's style antiquing. It has gorgeous beveled mirrors. I actually have a plan for it. I am going to strip it and then distress it. In my bedroom I have a dresser with the waterfall sides but no mirror so I thought I would redo this and use the dresser as a makeup area. I was proud of my idea. What do you think?
This lamp has been around since I can remember. A friend of my Mom's gave it to her in the 1950's but said it was from the 1940's. Now that I am older and wiser I love this lamp. The lamp shade is deplorable I couldn't even bring myself to share of photo of it with the shade on it now. There's a first time for everything and I am going to make a lamp shade for this beautiful lamp. Let's see what I can come up with.
That's all that will be on the burner this week and probably next. We are having so much rain and I need to work outside for the mirror.
Cross your fingers and please stop back to see the finished results.