Friday, July 5, 2013

Vintage Sewing Machine Drawers & Goodies

I will be selling vintage and handmade.  Soon I will have a graphics blog up and running.

I am so very excited to finally kick off some nifty vintage treasures on my blog this week.  The description will be accurate and I can be.  Shipping will be added in.  Some items will be shipped only to the United States as shipping has become to expensive.

After payment is made allow up to three days for the shipment to be shipped.  I will contact you by your email with PayPal.  Item will be shipped to the PayPal address also.

Refunds are only up to 10 days after purchase.  The refund is given only if an item is broken or not received. Please send a photo of the broken item.

There will be a "Buy Now" button after each description.  PayPal is all that is accepted at this time. 

If you have any questions please contact me at 

Vintage Primitive Singer Sewing Machine Drawers

This listing is for (2) two vintage Singer sewing machine drawers with frame.  Shabby condition which brings out the vintage charm.  Use for organizing, home decor and upcyling.  Nice needs some screws tightened.  The measure 14 1/2 4 3/4 x 9 1/2".

$48.00 including shipping in the Continental United States.
Purchase here

Vintage Cut Glass Door Knob

Stunning, beautiful and rare glass door knob. Vintage with no cracks or chips with a brass fitting.  Pictures do not do this sparkling door knob justice.  It sparkles like a diamond.  This listing is for (1) one vintage glass door knob.

$22.15 including shipping in the Continental United States
Purchase Here

Eastlake Style Brass Door Knob

2 Eastlake style brass Victorian Door Knobs.  Circa the late 1800's.  The design is oriental looking to me.  Could not find anything to compare to after a long search.  These brass door knob are gorgeous, grooved texture.  Excellent vintage condition.   Great for renovations or home decor.

$46.95 including Priority shipping.
Purchase Here

Vintage Willson Goggles

These Willson goggles are in really great shape for the age.  Barely any wear on the goggles.  Could be motorcycle goggles, safety goggles.  There brown bake-lite sides, with metal mesh and made in the USA. The Willson goggles offered here could be worn.  Wonderful Steampunk addition.

$76.95 includes Priority shipping in the Continental United States.
Purchase Here

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No I did NOT milk cows

Let's settle some misconceptions about being raised on a farm and being a farm girl.  Let's see there is the one that the farm girl is easy if you know what I mean.  Farm girls are not educated and do not graduate from school.  We know proper English grammar.  Settle in for tid bits of farm life.

First off I was born in 1956 so when I was being raised on a farm we didn't have many amenities that we have today.  Our TV was a blonde black and white model.  We got three channels and only watched TV in the evening.  During the day the children were to be playing and active not sitting in front of the TV.

When summer came so did the work to be done.  We planted a huge garden.  The next is debatable depending on who you talk to, me or Mom.  I say I had to weed and work in the garden.  She says I did not do so.  I distinctly remember picking strawberries and eating more than I picked.  mmmm so good.  The hard part came when it was harvest time and all the vegetables were canned or blanched for the freezer.

When I was really young and was potty trained we had an outhouse and no running water in the kitchen.  I was always afraid I would fall in the hole.  During the night we had chamber pot.  I cannot imagine doing this now.  I had to walk through the chickens, which scare me to death.  One day coming back from the outhouse I was attacked by a rooster.  Mom said we had him for dinner that night.  When we moved to a house with a bathroom I kept flushing the toilet because it was amazing. 

The outhouse.  We didn't have a quarter moon on ours that I remember.

The Chamber pot and a pan to wash up with.

In the kitchen the sink had a pump to get the water from the well into the house.  Of course it was cold so if you wanted hot water you had to heat on the stove first.

This is a pretty one I am sure ours didn't look this nice.

Dad farmed until he was 72 years of age.  Farming was in his blood and I come from a long line of farmers.  He had corn, soy beans, wheat, cows, pigs and lots of chores.

A corn field which I know monsters lurked in between the rows; I was simply a big baby.

A wheat field.  I just love the color of wheat.

A soybean field.

The livestock had to be tended to no matter what.  Everyday corn was ground for the cows and the pigs fed.  Again big baby here.  Terrified of cows, then.  Loved pigs.

Now as for being a farm girl I played outside mostly.  I did have a play room in the summer kitchen.  That is where all of my dress up clothes, jewelry, toy kitchen, stove, etc was set up.  I spent hours in there.

Something that drives me crazy is that people that don't know better and soon you will know.  Aren't you just happy as can be?  The difference between hay and straw.  Straw is ALWAYS called hay.  They must think we are stupid or something.  There are big differences between the two.  Straw comes from the wheat stalks after the wheat is harvested.  Hay comes from a hay field filled with weeds, grass, thistle and such.  Here are some pics that will show you the difference.

The above is a bale of hay.  It is slightly green from the grass, etc.  Nobody likes to sit on a bale of hay.  A thistle or two will get you in the butt.

The above is straw.  Golden like the wheat it came from.  Sitting on a bale of straw is okay.

I have dogs and cats galore.  Cats would come from everywhere and consider themselves at home with plenty of mice to keep them fed and busy.  This to me was normal.  All kids have a dog or a cat, right?

So many things I wished I had learned like how to make butter or a recipe for home made ice cream, or to bake bread from scratch.  I know I can learn now but why?  The store sells bread.  Seriously I do know how to make bread but not homemade ice cream like Mom did.

I would watch Mom churn butter is a churn like this one.  

Many hot, sultry nights were spent on our porch and having the neighbors in and make homemade ice cream.  As a child we got to turn it at the beginning then the men took over because it became to hard for us to do.  I thought that was fun.

Most of all I miss all the sights of being on a farm.  Barns, silos, barbed wire fences, sunsets, and sun rise out in the open there was nothing like it.  So very beautiful and it went on for miles, just as did the stars at night.  I would lay on a blanket and try to count the stars, find the little and big dipper, watch for falling stars and enjoy them glistening in the sky.  To me, even now I think the moon looks like it has a man's face on it.  Do you think so?  Now we know what the moon looks like close up.  If at night you take a peek at the evening sky, you'll see there is a man on the moon.

Last but not least.  I did not milk cows.  I can remember maybe doing it once in my life.  Cows scared me too much to milk them.  Ol'Bessie would kick too and I didn't want to get kicked.  I wish I had a dollar for every time someone had assumed that I had milked a cow or knew how.  Quite the contrary.  I have no idea how to do so.

I moved to a small town in 1992 and have been in town since.  It was hard to get used to the noise, lights, horns honking, having neighbors that knew all your business and they would watch you.  What's up with that?  Mom is too cute.  She moved to town with us in 2011 after Daddy died.  She didn't want to live in the country by herself.  She knows more about my neighbors than I do.  She knows all of their names, etc  I have not a clue.

I grew up different but only with experiences only being raised on the farm.  I have a college education, I used to know proper English grammar and would now if I made myself think.  I was raised differently than most people I know.  One thing I have in common with many.  I love life, I love blogging and all that goes with it.  Together we are eclectic and blend together like a fine tapestry.

I just don't milk cows.

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Ready, Set, Blog Goals for The Next Days

I was so excited to finally get to bed at a decent time.  Got my jammies on, set the alarm clock for 4 AM to get up to get all my blog and social media stuff accomplished and enjoy.  I laid in bed trying to think of a great post for a MONDAY.  Everything was in my head and planned.  Almost asleep I realized that tomorrow, now today is Friday.  You see when you get old stuff like this tends to happen out of the blue and you aren't expecting it and when it does happen it just screws you all up.........

So today since I am an old (age) new (blogger) I wanted to share what my goals are for the next 10 days.  I am taking notes, checking Google Analytic the who ball of wax,  It's time to get serious.  I have been working my fingers to the bones and I am not getting any's like insanity.

Are you ready???  You have to let me know if you think this will work.  I have read so much on getting your blog out there.  To me it seems that some have it and others do not.  BUT that is not what they say.  Patience.  Rome was not built in a day...geez duh!  Where did that phrase come from anyway?  

  1. I will visit at least 10 blogs and leave comments each day.
  2. The second day will be 20, the first 10 and 10 more new on thus the number 20.
  3. Each of their post will be Facebooked, Tweeted, Pinterested, Google +'ed
  4. I will hook up to all of their social media places
  5. I will write a new post each day
  6. I will find my tribe great article from More Than Mommies Blog  on finding your tribe, good read
Okay so that is my big plan.  ahem so, do you think it will work?  Something has to break.  

Well I will keep you post with the amazing stats increase I will be getting.....X your fingers.

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